1988 - Tulipes rouges à Giverny     50 x 65 cm (20 x 26 in.)
           Red Tulips at Giverny          E 563 15 P

Claude Monet came upon Giverny in 1883 and became the house owner in 1890. Then, shortly after that, he decided to build a new studio on the grounds. During the years he rented he was constantly improving the garden and when he decided to buy the house, he even had plants sent from the botanical gardens in Rouen. Could he have imagined that a hundred years later, his blossoming flowerbeds would continue to dazzle so many artists and, also, so many tourists? The bright red tulips were planted in alternating rows with the blue hyacinths and burst out with color in front of the pink and green house. It had been a mild spring and everything was in full bloom. Once again, MAX-AGOSTINI chose a diagonal composition so as to be able to represent, at the same time, the Master of Giverny's house as well as the maximum of flowers. He came back to this theme nearly every spring, for many years, but under different weather conditions, giving varied effects of light.

Claude Monet a d�couvert Giverny en 1883 et devint propri�taire de la maison en 1890. Puis, peu apr�s, l'artiste a pris la d�cision de construire un nouvel atelier sur les lieux. Pendant les ann�es de location, il am�liorait sans cesse le jardin et au moment d'acqu�rir la maison, il a m�me fait venir des plantes des jardins botaniques de Rouen. Pouvait-il imaginer que cent ans apr�s, ses parterres fleuris continueraient d'�blouir tant d'artistes mais, aussi, tant de touristes? Les tulipes rouge vif, plant�es en rang�es en alternance avec des jacinthes bleues, �clataient de couleur devant la maison rose et verte. Le printemps avait �t� doux, et tout �tait en pleine floraison. Encore une fois, MAX-AGOSTINI a choisi pour sa composition un angle oblique, pour pouvoir repr�senter, en m�me temps, la maison du ma�tre de Giverny, ainsi que le maximum de fleurs. Il reprenait ce th�me presque chaque printemps, pendant des ann�es, par  temps divers et sous leurs �clairages sp�cifiques.